We turn the tiresome duty into a freestyle!
Do you break into a sweat when you think about the upcoming bookkeeping? For many institutions, the recording and administration of contributions and payments is a tiresome duty in everyday kindergarten life. This is not surprising, considering the vast amounts of items that must be conscientiously recorded month after month.
We want to bring more ease into your bookkeeping! Our accounting function imports all relevant data completely automatically. This means you no longer have to enter external compensation tables for each child individually or record payments from parents again separately.
The individual items are clearly displayed in various tables, so that you always have an overview of where surpluses or open items have accumulated.
Other functions at a glance
Arrange a non-binding presentation appointment now.
Let us explain the functions of our solution to you at your leisure and discuss the possible applications in your facility with our staff.
lillywait offers a DSGVO-compliant cloud solution and app for kindergartens and parents for digital communication and organization.
Our servers and the data stored on them are located exclusively in Germany.
All processes surrounding our solution are monitored by an external data protection officer and accompanied during development.
All parts of our application are SSL – encrypted and therefore highly secure.
Our customers
lillywait has been active since 2021.
With over 400 connected institutions and well over 30,000 children served, we have become the most successful provider of software for educational institutions within a year.
We are continuously working on new features and put security first.